
Draw Christmas Tree On Head Game

A couple days ago my grandkids introduced me to a game they learned from their wonderful friend Kumari.

Rather than make own my description, I thought I'd share with you what I found on the Internet.

From Laura Torres on

Pass out a clean paper plate to everyone. The cheap, uncoated white ones are perfect. If you don't have any of these, use card stock, or plain paper. Something a little stiff works best. Also give everyone a pen, pencil or marker.

Have everyone put the plate on top of their head. Then tell them to draw something specific. If you are having a dog-theme birthday party, for example, have everyone draw a dog. If you are celebrating the birth of a new grandchild, have everyone draw a baby. For a general gathering, it's fun to ask everyone to draw a certain person in the group.

Give everyone a few minutes, then call time's up. Ask everyone to write their name on the back of the plate or paper. Collect all the drawings and set them out in random order. Have each person to vote on the drawing that looks the most like the given object. They can't vote for their own drawing.

The drawing with the most points wins. If you want a noncompetitive game, just display the drawings for a laugh.

For a variation on this game, have everyone draw the picture without lifting their pen or pencil. Or, pair people up and have them draw their picture on top of the other person's head at the same time. This way, it's not only just a drawing contest, but a physical comic-fest as well. You won't be able to stop the giggles.

And this, from the Happy Home Fairy who suggests:

…the host will give a series of instructions for the players to draw on their paper plates (that are on their heads) without looking.

Here are the instructions:

1. Draw a line for a floor.
2. Draw a Christmas Tree. Add decorations if you feel so inclined.
3. Draw a star on top of your tree.
4. Draw a fireplace with a mantel next to the tree.
5. Draw a stocking hanging from the mantel of your fireplace.
6. Draw a present below the tree.

And this, from my workshop on game change in Israel (near the end, we pretend that we are art experts explaining our expressionist abstract post-modern whatevers)

Draw Christmas Tree On Head Game


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