Jack Skellington is the main character in Tim Burton's hit movie – A Nightmare Before Christmas. And I don't know about you – but whenever I think of this character… that same song pops into my head… 'This IS Halloween – This IS Halloween'!? Know the one I'm talking about?

Anyway – this'll be fun as I've made extra sure that this version of the character is all the more 'Halloweenish!'

Let's get drawing!

First Step – A Stick Figure for a Stick Figure!

Truly, Jack is one of the easiest characters to draw. Many times, before creating a particular drawing – I'll recommend you sketch out a stick person framework, to get the structure in place ahead of time.

Here – our main character, pretty much IS a stick person!…

Jack Skellington framework drawing Jack Skellington completed framework drawing

Things to note with this character too… notice how small his feet are – and also – check out how I've mapped out the placement of his 'bat collar' ahead of time. Do the same if you find it to be helpful.

Here goes…

Second Step – How to Draw a Jack Skellington

From head to toe, here are the steps that I suggest you take in drawing your own version of this super cool cartoon character. Not too far in – and already, you'll surely see just how easy he is to recreate.

THIS IS – how to draw Jack!…

How to draw Jack Skellington - drawing the head How to draw Jack Skellington - drawing the bow How to draw Jack Skellington - completing the head How to draw Jack Skellington - drawing the torso How to draw Jack Skellington - drawing the body How to draw Jack Skellington - drawing the hands and feet How to draw Jack Skellington - final black and white cartoon image How to draw Jack Skellington cartoon picture

A look at the finished product, and yes – I'm liking it! The only thing I'd suggest you do differently regarding the coloring/details – is the pin stripes on his suit. I've only added lines where space allowed, but in your case – take your time and make his suit a bit darker all around – carefully leaving finely placed white pin stripes.

Well hey – nice job! And oh yeah… today is October 31st.